

This tag is associated with 3 posts

Easy, Quick and Delicious Pasta!

因工作關係,已經很久沒有弄晚餐, 有點失落。這晚我下定決心無論多晚都要弄一個簡單的晚餐, 於是煮了這個蟹肉蘑菇忌廉意粉,只需約15分鐘, 味道還很不錯! Ingredient (Serving for 2): 意粉 200g (Pasta) 蟹肉 140g (Crab Meat) 白蘑菇 5 – 6粒切片 (White Mushroom, cut into slices) 淡忌廉 200ml (Whipped Cream) 雞湯 100ml (Chicken Broth) 芝士粉 適量 (Cheese Powder) 白酒 適量 (White Wine) 牛油 少許 (Butter) 橄欖油 少許 (Olive Oil) 鹽及黑胡椒粉 適量 (Salt and Black Pepper to taste) … Continue reading

Le Creuset Marmite 的第一次

Le Creuset Marmite 26cm是一個萬能鍋, 煎炒煮炸炆樣樣皆能,真的物超所值 ,我認為是每個家必備的基本cookware。黑裡鑄鐵鍋於使用前必須以油養鍋,過程很簡單,先以熱水洗淨,抹乾後為鍋薄薄的塗上一層油,待風乾兩日。使用時只須以熱水沖一沖,再以kitchen paper 抹乾即可。 新買回來的黑裡鑄鐵鍋最好先用來煮一些油膩的菜式,讓它多吸收油份,日子久了鍋便不會黏底。可是這次到訪的朋友中有一位是vegetarian,所以我決定弄一個簡單的西式素菜鍋來試一試Marmite 的功力,當中油爆起鑊的部份也可讓鍋吸一吸油。 Ingredients: 紅蘿蔔1條去皮切成小塊 (carrot, peeled and chop into small pieces) 青椒1個切成小塊 (green pepper, cut into large dice) 翠玉瓜1條切成小塊 (zucchini, chop into small pieces) 日本南瓜半個去皮切成小塊 (pumpkin, peeled and chop into small pieces) 洋蔥1個切成小塊 (onion, cut into large dice) 蒜頭2瓣切成蓉 (2 gloves of garlic, minced) 蕃茄1罐 (1 can … Continue reading

Blueberry Muffin, quick & easy one-bowl recipe

想不到第一次做blueberry muffin 就這麼成功,我那5歲的姨甥女更一口氣鯨吞兩個!做這blueberry muffin 相當簡單快捷,重點是只用一個mixing bowl 就成! Ingredients: 70g unsalted butter, softened (無鹽牛油,室溫放軟) 100g sugar (糖) 1 large egg (蛋,大碼) 3/4 cup plain yogurt (原味乳酪) 1/2 teaspoon grated lemon zest (檸檬皮) 190g all-purpose flour (中筋麵粉) 1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder (無鋁泡打粉) 1/4 teaspoon baking soda (梳打粉) 1/4 teaspoon salt (鹽) 110g fresh blueberries (新鮮藍莓) Method: … Continue reading

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